At the age of 4 (by December 1st of the school year), Brunswick Pre-K 3 students can enroll in our Pre-K 4 class. The key focus at this level is elementary school readiness, specifically in the areas of communication, literacy, number sense, fundamentals of reading and writing and last, a formed, tangible understanding of fiction versus nonfiction.
Classroom routines and schedules will provide opportunities for Pre-K4 students to investigate their own interests while adhering to the structure of a classroom routine. Small and large group activities will enforce emergent reading and writing skills such as making predictions after listening to fiction, creating illustrations in response to literature or using existing illustrations to make inferences. Pre-K4 students will engage in activities emphasizing the value of print. They will understand the print-word connection and realize that print carries a message. Pre-K4 students at this stage will accomplish full mastery of the alphabet, begin to develop phonemic awareness and practice the fine motor skills necessary for successful writing. Children learn best when actively involved in constructing their own knowledge. A portion of time will also be dedicated to playful exploration. Authentic play experiences help Pre-K4 students of this age build problem solving skills as well as foster the level of social and emotional growth necessary for success in Kindergarten. The Pre-Kindergarten Program is executed via incorporating visual and performance arts. Lesson plans will use various art mediums such as music, visual arts, and dramatic play to achieve curriculum goals. Like their rising preschool and preschool education, creativity will largely be incorporated into each lesson plan at an even higher level in Pre-Kindergarten now including speech, live performances, independent artistic expression and free-dance.

Yoga, Music and Movement, Language, Chess

Curriculum Objectives

List of 4 items.

  • Social/Emotional Development

    1. Distinguishes right from wrong
    2. Mimics adults/seeks praise
    3. More inclined to play with peers versus alone
    4. Begins to acclimate to some "social norms"
    5. Seeks help when faced with problem
  • Physical Development

    1. Runs/changes directions with ease
    2. Demonstrates large jumps/bounds
    3. Jumps rope/plays coordinated hop scotch
    4. Cuts and pastes simple shapes
    5. Can lace shoes--begin to tie
    6. Skips smoothly for twenty feet
    7. Can catch/throw/bounce balls 
  • Cognitive Development

    1. Expresses curiosity as a learner
    2. Can retell key information from lesson/story
    3. Sequences up to 3 pictures to tell logical story
    4. Can identify numbers 1-30
    5. Can understand and recite basic sight words
    6. Understands letters A-Z inside and outside of sequence
    7. Can identify numbers 1-30 inside and outside of sequence
    8. Can distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters
    9. Can begin to name a word for each letter, A-Z
    10. Sorts by categories based on 1 common attribute
    11. Demonstrates concepts of positional/directional concepts
    12. Understanding of coin recognition and value
    13. Identifies minimum of 10 colors
    14. Can write both first and last name clearly
  • Language Development

    1. Speaks fluently
    2. Correctly uses plurals, pronouns and tenses
    3. Understands basic homophones and opposites
    4. Able to conduct 5 minute comprehensive conversations
    5. Relates experiences with some understanding of sequences of events

Sample Schedule

*All outdoor play periods will be replaced with indoor play (classrooms or other designated area) in case of bad weather. Periods gradually move from 30 minute periods to 45 minute periods as students progress from toddlers-kindergarteners (mocking an elementary schedule). Rest time for Pre-K students will encompass free "quiet" time-I.E. reading, playing with Playdoh, drawing, writing in a journal, etc. Each of our OT periods are 40-45 minutes. Rest time is 45 minutes. 

Enrichment periods are added throughout the academic journey from Rising Preschool to Elementary. Example enrichment periods are Yoga, Theatre Arts, Dance, Chess and Language.

List of 1 items.

  • A Typical Day in Pre-K 4

    • 7:30 - 8:00 AM: Extended Day
    • 8:01 - 9:00 AM: Regular Drop Off
    • 8:30 - 9:05 AM: Breakfast
    • 9:10-10:00 AM: Literacy
    • 10:05-10:35 AM: Learning Center Rotation
    • 10:40-11:30 AM: Outdoor Play
    • 11:35-12:00 PM: Lunch Time
    • 12:10-1:00 PM: Rest/Quiet Time
    • 1:05-1:45 PM: Outdoor Play
    • 1:50-2:40 PM: Mathematics
    • 2:45-3:20 PM: Arts and Crafts
    • 3:30-4:30 PM: Dismissal
    • 4:31 - 6:30 PM: Extended Day

The Brunswick School

Brunswick Street Campus 
371 7th Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302
(551) 310-2711 Admissions Only

Warren Street Campus
474 Warren Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 
(551) 310-2799 Admissions Only