After reaching specific cognitive, social and emotional milestones detailed in our preschool program, Brunswick School students will be ready to enroll in our Kindergarten class (must be 5 by December 1st of the school year).
As students develop cognitively, they develop an increasing sense of educational initiative. They learn from making choices and developing their own ideas for play and the use of learning materials. The learning environment at The Brunswick School is designed to foster this development. As students approach Kindergarten, this initiative will become more product oriented. As students grow and develop an increasing sense of self, they will evaluate their own growth and performance. At the Kindergarten level, students intrinsically want to learn and complete learning tasks as these experiences of success nurture feelings of self-worth and competency.

Our Elementary classrooms are structured learning communities. Teachers will create opportunities for students to investigate, represent and reflect on what they are learning. Learning experiences and play activities will have concrete end goals and are designed to instill a sense of competency through the creation of finished products. The teacher’s role in this learning community is to assess what children already know about a given subject or skill and to provide active learning activities that will help them to construct new understandings based on that knowledge. Teachers provide feedback and appropriate choices for children throughout the learning process, trying to guide children to make sense of new information, not just to memorize it. These learning activities will target the development of skills in the following areas: Literacy /Writing, Mathematical Thinking, Social Studies, Scientific Thinking and Technology. The Elementary program is executed via thematic units based on the arts. Units will communicate content information through various art mediums such as music, visual arts and dramatic play.

As students develop the cognitive skills necessary for grade school, they will become less dependent on adults. At the Kindergarten-2nd grade level, teachers will create a structured environment in which students share responsibility for keeping the classroom neat and orderly, know how to get and use materials properly, and function with increasing levels of independence. Structure comes from a well-organized classroom environment, a daily schedule, routines that are predictable and clear expectations about behavior in an elementary classroom.

The Elementary Grade levels use the McGraw Hill Research Based Curriculum. To read more about this program, please click here. 

Yoga, Music and Movement, Language, Chess, Engineering, Coding

Entry Curriculum Objectives

List of 4 items.

  • Social/Emotional Development

    1. Recognize disagreements and mediate problems
    2. Be able to work in group setting as well as alone
    3. Form concrete attachments to peers
    4. Displays appropriate self control for the circumstances
    5. Be willing to receive feedback and then try to adjust for improvement
    6. Choose activities that require some social interactions and cooperation
    7. Relates well to encouragement for acceptable behaviors
    8. Begins see things from another's point of view
  • Physical Development

    1. Demonstrate locomotor skills including: run, hop, jump, leap, slide, gallop, and skip
    2. Move to a simple rhythmic beat while recognizing the pattern
    3. Perform kicking, striking, throwing and catching patterns in a simple fluid environment
    4. Perform activities that require less intense, but longer continuous movement
  • Cognitive Development

    1. Discuss story elements such as plot, character, events, and setting
    2. Understand basic punctuation
    3. Write in complete three-five word sentences
    4. Differentiate between fiction and nonfiction stories
    5. Recognize and write numbers up to fifty
    6. Count by fives and tens to fifty/begin place value
    7. Add and subtract to 10
    8. Begin basics of telling time (recognizing big/little hand and number value)
    9. Identify, describe, and reproduce patterns with numbers, shapes, colors, or words
    10. Read thermometers and use measuring tools like rulers
  • Language Development

    1. Improve sight word recognition for up to fifty words
    2. Conducts ten-fifteen minute comprehensive conversation with adults/peers
    3. Able to public speak in form of Show-And-Tell or other project based assignment
    4. Can verbally retell story or sequence of events including beginning, middle and end of timeline
    5. Able to verbally create original story
    6. Understands meaning of at least thirty five sight words
    7. Controls at least 20 minutes of attention span

Sample Schedule

*All outdoor play periods will be replaced with indoor play (classrooms or other designated area) in case of bad weather. Periods gradually move from 30 minute periods to 45 minute periods as students progress from toddlers-kindergarteners (mocking an elementary schedule).

Enrichment periods are added throughout the academic journey from Rising Preschool to Elementary. Example enrichment periods are Yoga, Theatre Arts, Dance, Chess and Language. Elementary grade levels will also take walking trips around the community to places such as the local library, bakeries, parks, etc. pending the area of study. 

List of 1 items.

  • A Typical Elementary Grade Level Day

    • 7:30 - 8:00 AM: Extended Day
    • 8:01 - 9:00 AM: Regular Drop Off
    • 8:30 - 9:05 AM: Breakfast
    • 9:10-9:50 AM: Literacy Large Group
    • 9:55-10:40 AM: Learning Center Rotation
    • 10:45-11:30 AM: Arts and Crafts
    • 11:35-12:15 PM: Outdoor Play
    • 12:20-12:50 PM: Lunch Time
    • 12:55-1:35 PM: Outdoor Play
    • 1:40-2:25 PM: Mathematics Large Group
    • 2:30-3:15 PM: Music and Movement
    • 3:20-3:45 PM: Library Free Time
    • 3:30-4:30 PM: Dismissal
    • 4:31 - 6:30 PM: Extended Day
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The Brunswick School

Brunswick Street Campus 
371 7th Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302
(551) 310-2711 Admissions Only

Warren Street Campus
474 Warren Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 
(551) 310-2799 Admissions Only