Once a child reaches the age of 3 (must be 3 by October 1st of the school year) and is fully toilet trained, he or she can enroll in the Brunswick Pre-K 3 Program.
Brunswick School students will engage in active participatory learning at all ages. These types of learning activities are student-centered and teacher-guided. The Pre-K3 curriculum focuses on school readiness, communication and literacy skills, number sense, spatial reasoning and problem solving skills. Pre-K3 students will also engage in activities in the areas of music, creative arts and movement. Learning activities in these areas are designed to encourage children to pose their own questions and make discoveries. Pre-K3 students at this stage will be guided through learning and play experiences to actively engage in daily routines and structured classroom activities, verbally assert needs and desires, develop self-help skills, use classroom materials in appropriate ways and positively interact with other Pre-K3 students. Classroom activities will be based on visual art themes. Students at this stage will begin focusing on colors, different visual art mediums, as well as dance and dramatic play. Expanding from the Rising Preschool age grouping, Pre-K3 students will experience lesson plans implanted with artistic approaches to help each student use creativity to retain information.

Yoga, Music and Movement, Language

Curriculum Objectives

List of 4 items.

  • Social/Emotional Development

    1. Takes turns/shares
    2. Verbally expresses emotions
    3. Expresses jealousy/cause and effect
    4. Imagination play enhances
    5. Understands concept of lying
    6. Stands up for self rights
  • Physical Development

    1. Running becomes more controlled
    2. Hops on one foot
    3. Catch/bounce ball
    4. Can get "ready" with little assistance
    5. Prints clear letters A-R
    6. Uses writing utensils and other fine tools
    7. Cuts on a line
    8. Hand preference is established
    9. Grasps scissors correctly
  • Cognitive Development

    1. Understands the difference between fantasy and reality
    2. Understands number and space concepts--more, less, bigger, in, under, behind, alone, etc.
    3. Starts to develop logical thinking
    4. Escalates to 3-5 form pattern understanding
    5. Understands letters A-R
    6. Can identify numbers 1-15
    7. Controls at least 10 minutes of attention span
  • Language Development

    1. Complexity of sentences increase to compound sentence structure
    2. Understands basic analogies
    3. Correlates symbols to real-life objects/meanings
    4. Forms basic understanding of letter recognition of the A-R sounds

Sample Schedule

*All outdoor play periods will be replaced with indoor play (classrooms or other designated area) in case of bad weather. Periods gradually move from 30 minute periods to 45 minute periods as students progress from toddlers-kindergarteners (mocking an elementary schedule). Each of our Preschool periods are 35-40 minutes. Nap time is 1 hour and 30 minutes. 

Enrichment periods are added throughout the academic journey from Rising Preschool to Elementary. Example enrichment periods are Yoga, Theatre Arts, Dance, Chess and Language.

List of 1 items.

  • A Typical Day in Pre-K 3

    • 7:30 - 8:00 AM: Extended Day
    • 8:01 - 9:00 AM: Regular Drop Off
    • 8:30 - 9:05 AM: Breakfast
    • 9:10-9:50 AM: Literacy
    • 9:55-10:50 AM: Outdoor Play
    • 10:55-11:30 AM: Arts and Crafts
    • 11:35-12:00 PM: Lunch Time
    • 12:10-12:20 PM: Potty Break
    • 12:25-1:40 PM: Nap Time
    • 1:45-2:20 PM: Mat Clean-Up/After Nap Stretch
    • 2:25-2:50 PM: Music and Movement
    • 2:55-3:30 PM: Outdoor Play
    • 3:30-4:30 PM: Dismissal
    • 4:31 - 6:30 PM: Extended Day
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The Brunswick School

Brunswick Street Campus 
371 7th Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302
(551) 310-2711 Admissions Only

Warren Street Campus
474 Warren Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 
(551) 310-2799 Admissions Only